HP-ACS: A cool revolution in refrigerated transportation

A promising new technology designed to achieve efficiencies in cold transport vehicles is currently being developed as a cost-competitive alternative to standard air-conditioning. By making better use of waste heat, the project ...

Hot Wheels: Subaru unveils its first hybrid

Subaru is coming out with a gas-electric hybrid crossover SUV for the crunchy granola crowd that wants to save fuel but still haul kayaks to the river.

Hybrid vehicle battery creator Ovshinsky, 89, dies

(AP)—Stan Ovshinsky, the self-taught inventor who developed the nickel-metal hydride battery used in the hybrid vehicle industry, has died at his home in suburban Detroit after a fight with cancer. He was 89.

Study outlines supply chain challenges for lithium future

(Phys.org)—As demand increases for lithium, the essential element in batteries for everything from cameras to automobiles, a researcher at Missouri University of Science and Technology is studying potential disruptions ...

The long, winding road to advanced batteries for electric cars

(Phys.org) -- Batteries have come a long way since Alessandro Volta first discovered in 1800 that two unlike metals, when separated by an acidic solution, could produce an electric current. In their evolution, batteries have ...

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