Study finds evidence for more recent clay formation on Mars

Recent orbital and rover missions to Mars have turned up ample evidence of clays and other hydrated minerals formed when rocks are altered by the presence of water. Most of that alteration is thought to have happened during ...

Stable gas hydrates can trigger landslides

Like avalanches onshore,many processes cause submarine landslides. One very widespread assumption is that they are associated with dissociating gas hydrates in the seafloor. However, scientists at GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre ...

Curiosity Mars rover sees trend in water presence

( —NASA's Mars rover Curiosity has seen evidence of water-bearing minerals in rocks near where it had already found clay minerals inside a drilled rock.

In the deep sea, the last ice age is not yet over

Gas hydrates are a solid compound of gases and water that have an ice-like structure at low temperatures and high pressures. Compounds of methane and water, so-called methane hydrates, are found especially at many ocean margins—also ...

Gas hydrate strategy reinforced

Their critics weren't convinced the first time, but Rice University researchers didn't give up on the "ice that burns."

Arctic gas hydrate: Vast energy resource or climate threat?

Arctic gas hydrate is a fossil resource mainly consisting of methane. It may represent a larger energy supply than all other oil and gas resources put together. But what is the potential impact of gas hydrate on climate change ...

Ocean currents impact methane consumption

Large amounts of methane - whether as free gas or as solid gas hydrates - can be found in the sea floor along the ocean shores. When the hydrates dissolve or when the gas finds pathways in the sea floor to ascend, the methane ...

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