Hybrid chickadees found deficient at learning and memory

For a long time, hybridization—when distinct species mate and produce offspring—was thought to be a mistake. Yet, advancements in genomic testing tools have revealed naturally occurring hybridization as a fairly common ...

Hybridization can give rise to different genome combinations

Researchers have for the first time determined that hybridization between two bird species can give rise to several novel and fully functional hybrid genomic combinations. This could potentially be because hybrid species ...

The Higgs Bison—mystery species hidden in cave art

Ancient DNA research has revealed that Ice Age cave artists recorded a previously unknown hybrid species of bison and cattle in great detail on cave walls more than 15,000 years ago.

A gene for new species is discovered

A University of Utah-led study identified a long-sought "hybrid inviability gene" responsible for dead or infertile offspring when two species of fruit flies mate with each other. The discovery sheds light on the genetic ...

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