Green Ideas: Making Concrete from Rice

( -- Concrete accounts for about 5% of all human-related CO2 emissions. The fact that we use so much cement in building could mean that the issue becomes even more pronounced in the future. But what if there was ...

Chemist obtains a nanocatalyst base from rice husk

A chemist from RUDN has developed a method to obtain high-porosity silicium dioxide, a base for nanocatalysts used in different types of organic reactions, from rice husks. The results of the study were published in ACS Sustainable ...

Rice husks can remove microcystin toxins from water

Scientists at the University of Toledo have discovered that rice husks can effectively remove microcystin from water, a finding that could have far-reaching implications for communities along the Great Lakes and across the ...

New research on groundcherries bears new fruits

Over 34 million people in the U.S. don't have enough food. More diverse and adaptable crops are needed to address challenges in food production made worse by climate change. Small, sweet berries called groundcherries may ...