Hungarian red mud spill did little long-term damage

The aftereffects of the 2010 red mud spill that threatened to poison great swathes of the Hungarian countryside have turned out to be far less harmful than scientists originally feared.

Hungary activists race to help migrants by smartphone

As migrants are shunted by countries between borders on trains and buses, a team of Hungarian activists are racing to send them accurate information, straight to their pockets on mobile phones.

Red mud's carbon capture clue

( -- An environmental disaster that occurred in Hungary in 2010 could lead to a new way of removing carbon dioxide emissions from the atmosphere.

Image: Toxic sludge in Hungary

On Oct. 4, 2010, an accident occurred at the Ajkai Timfoldgyar alumina (aluminum oxide) plant in western Hungary, when a corner wall of a waste-retaining pond broke, releasing a torrent of toxic red sludge down a local stream.

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