Watching bat coronaviruses with next-generation sequencing

In late 2019, a mysterious coronavirus—now called 2019-nCoV—began making people sick in Wuhan, China. Now the virus has spread to at least four other countries, including the United States, and killed at least nine people.

Researchers find mechanism that regulates telomeres

The tips of chromosomes have structures called telomeres comparable to the plastic cover at the end of shoelaces. They work as a protective cap that prevents genetic material from unfolding and corroding. When telomeres do ...

How to make healthy buildings in an era of mass migration

Worldwide population growth and mass migrations are putting the infrastructure of many cities under strain. With city governments under pressure to provide more housing and work spaces, people can end up living and working ...

Connecting cilia: Cellular antennae help cells stick together

Primary cilia are hair-like structures which protrude from almost all mammalian cells. They are thought to be sensory and involved in sampling the cell's environment. New research, published in BioMed Central's open access ...

In a rare disorder, a familiar protein disrupts gene function

As reported this week in the open-access journal PLoS Biology, an international team of scientists studying a rare genetic disease has discovered that a bundle of proteins already known to be important for keeping chromosomes ...

Setback for British 'hacker' in US extradition fight

A Briton accused of hacking into US military and NASA space agency computers was on Friday refused permission to appeal to the new Supreme Court in London against his extradition to the United States.

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