Banned pesticides in Europe's rivers

Tests of Europe's rivers and canals have revealed more than 100 pesticides—including 24 that are not licensed for use in the EU.

Oversight of fishing vessels lacking, new analysis shows

Policies regulating fishing in international waters do not sufficiently protect officials who monitor illegal fishing, the prohibited dumping of equipment, or human trafficking or other human rights abuses, finds a new analysis ...

'Erin Brockovich' toxin found at Japan plant

The toxic chemical made infamous by campaigning single mother Erin Brockovich has been found at up to 15,800 times safety limits in groundwater at a Japanese iron plant, the factory's operator said Thursday.

Murders, Traffic Deaths Connected

If you want to know how many people are killed in car accidents in a particular U.S. state, look to its prisons. Regions with higher murder rates also tend to have a greater number of traffic fatalities, according to a new ...

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