Study investigates longer life due to faulty RNA processing

The control of RNA metabolism is crucial to the regulation of animal longevity, researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Aging in Cologne have now discovered. They found that worms live longer when certain ...

Replication protein A and WAS protein partner to fix damaged DNA

DNA replication and repair happens thousands of times a day in the human body and most of the time, people don't notice when things go wrong thanks to the work of Replication protein A (RPA), the "guardian of the genome." ...

Expanded role for calcium channels in T-cells

A subunit of voltage-gated calcium channels was found to have a functional role in T-cells, according to a Northwestern Medicine study published in Nature Communications.

Nanoengineers boost signals from fluorescent sensors

Fluorescent sensors, which can be used to label and image a wide variety of molecules, offer a unique glimpse inside living cells. However, they typically can only be used in cells grown in a lab dish or in tissues close ...

More predictive in vitro assays may improve nanomedicine

Messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines are a prime example of the promising field of nanomedicine. But progress in the design and application of nanoparticles as efficient delivery vehicles for biopharmaceutics containing nucleic ...

CRISPR gene cuts may offer new way to chart human genome

In search of new ways to sequence human genomes and read critical alterations in DNA, researchers at Johns Hopkins Medicine say they have successfully used the gene cutting tool CRISPR to make cuts in DNA around lengthy tumor ...

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