Fjords may emit as much methane as all the deep oceans globally

During heavy storms, the normally stratified layers of water in ocean fjords get mixed, which leads to oxygenation of the fjord floor. But these storm events also result in a spike in methane emissions from fjords to the ...

Sandstorms pose serious risk to human health

Sandstorms have engulfed the Middle East in recent days, in a phenomenon experts warn could proliferate because of climate change, putting human health at grave risk.

Should all chemosensory modalities be unified into a single sense?

A new paper published in The Quarterly Review of Biology, entitled "Taste and Smell: A Unifying Chemosensory Theory," proposes the unification of all chemosensory modalities into a single sense, moving toward an interconnected ...

A 'greener' alternative for red-colored smoke

The red smoke of a flare on a roadway warns motorists to be cautious, but the anthraquinone dyes currently used to produce this smoke are thought to be harmful to human health. Now, researchers reporting in ACS Sustainable ...

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