On the road to cultured meat for astronauts (and Earthlings)

Cultured meat could be a game changer for the environment, food security, human health and animal welfare. But some challenges prevent it from reaching its full potential. Now ESA is supporting researchers to explore the ...

New method helps researchers decode genomes

(Phys.org)—Although scientists sequenced the entire human genome more than 10 years ago, much work remains to understand what proteins all those genes code for.

Scientists decode watermelon genome

Are juicier, sweeter, more disease-resistant watermelons on the way? An international consortium of more than 60 scientists from the United States, China, and Europe has published the genome sequence of watermelon (Citrullus ...

Chinese dust cloud 'improves smelly Japanese dish'

Natto, the Japanese breakfast dish of fermented soybeans, has a smell likened to sweaty feet but researchers have come up with an unlikely way of making it less whiffy—using bacteria from Chinese dust clouds.

Scientist says slimming soybeans are on the horizon

If you're serious about losing weight, check out recent studies done in Elvira de Mejia's University of Illinois laboratory. Her research provides insight into the way a certain type of soy protein inhibits fat accumulation ...

Plant-based prawns to protect the marine environment

Around the world, people are consuming more and more fish and seafood, such as mussels and prawns. This includes Switzerland, where consumption has risen by 60 percent over the past quarter of a century to reach 75,000 metric ...

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