Researchers discover hybrid fungus involved in lung infections

Aspergillus latus, a species of fungus previously found only in soil or plants, has been found for the first time in a hospital environment by an international group of researchers. The group sequenced its genome and discovered ...

A digital version of you

When NASA's Mars Rover Opportunity sends a photograph of the alien landscape back to Earth, it relays the information as digital data, a series of ones and zeros that computers assemble into pictures that we can see. What ...

Researchers advance the art of drug testing

On a rectangular chip slightly smaller than a person's finger, two scientists and an engineer are writing what they hope will be the blueprint for the future of drug testing.

Targeting toxin trafficking

Toxins produced by plants and bacteria pose a significant threat to humans, as emphasized by the recent effects of cucumber-borne Shiga toxin in Germany. Now, new research published on July 21st by the Cell Press journal ...

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