How wildfires affect climate change—and vice versa

As the 2021 wildfire season begins to unfold, the memories of past seasons linger—in the lungs of people, in the communities and landscapes that burned and in the atmosphere, where greenhouse gases from wildfires continue ...

Fishing alters fish behavior and features in exploited ecosystems

Not all individuals of the same species are identical: There is a marked variability within the same population, and sometimes, these morphological differences are translated into a different behavior. A study by the UB shows ...

Halt post-disturbance logging in forests

Storms, fires, bark beetles: Many forests around the world are increasingly affected by these and other natural disturbances. It is common practice to eliminate the consequences of these disturbances—in other words, to ...

Get your hands dirty for health

Billions of people using the Earth's resources and changing or destroying ecosystems are not only creating the global environmental and climate crisis, but also compromising human health and long-term survival of our species, ...

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