Related topics: light

Secret embraces of stars revealed by Alma

Unlike our Sun, most stars live with a companion. Sometimes, two come so close that one engulfs the other—with far-reaching consequences. When a team of astronomers led by Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, used ...

Image: Hubble snaps speedy star jets

This striking image features a relatively rare celestial phenomenon known as a Herbig-Haro object. This particular object, named HH111, was imaged by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope's Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3).

How we see better by 'looking away'

When we fixate an object, its image does not appear at the place where photoreceptors are packed most densely. Instead, its position is shifted slightly nasally and upwards from the cellular peak. This is shown in a recent ...

Researchers question the cooperative eye hypothesis

The sclera of the eye is devoid of pigment, which is why humans can easily follow where counterparts are looking. Researchers have long believed this facilitates glance-based communication. A team of zoologists based at the ...

The most 'Instagrammable bird' on the internet

A pair of researchers from the University of Konstanz and the University of Jena, respectively, have found the most "Instagrammable bird" on the internet. In their paper published in the journal i-Perception Katja Thömmes ...

Researchers set new resolution record for imaging the human eye

Researchers have developed a noninvasive technique that can capture images of rod and cone photoreceptors with unprecedented detail. The advance could lead to new treatments and earlier detection for retinal diseases such ...

NASA's SDO spots first lunar transit of 2021

On Jan. 13, 2021, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, or SDO, experienced its first lunar transit of the year when the moon crossed its view of the sun. The transit lasted about 30 minutes, between 12:56 and 1:25 a.m. ET. ...

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