New class of antibiotics against resistant bacteria

Bacterial resistance to antibiotics is a growing threat to human health. In an article published in the journal PNAS, Umeå researcher Fredrik Almqvist and his colleagues present a new type of antibiotic that effectively ...

New compound combats drug-resistant bacteria

( -- Yale scientists using bits of material from the human immune system have developed a compound that can neutralize or kill several varieties of drug-resistant and other dangerous bacteria. Drug-resistant bacteria ...

Scientists develop new system to study emerging tickborne disease

Tickborne diseases are on the rise, and one in particular is emerging in the United States and Canada. Human babesiosis is an infection that can cause a range of symptoms and even death. Little is known about one of the parasites ...

Contact between wild birds and backyard chickens is risky

Wild birds come into contact with backyard chicken flocks more frequently than people realize, creating a pathway for pathogens to transmit back and forth, according to new research from the University of Georgia. Such pathways ...

How probiotics can prevent disease

Using probiotics successfully against a number of animal diseases has helped scientists from University College Cork, Ireland to understand some of the ways in which they work, which could lead to them using probiotics to ...

Researchers map primate networks to predict pandemics

( —Most emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) that affect humans originated in animals. However, epidemiologists have been unable to identify the sources of zoonotic diseases until after they have already infected ...

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