Related topics: malaria

Dissecting bacterial infections at the single-cell level

Technological advances are making the analysis of single bacterial infected human cells feasible, Würzburg researchers have used this technology to provide new insight into the Salmonella infection process. The study has ...

Personalized antibiotic treatment

A team of researchers from the University of Freiburg has developed a system inspired by biology that can detect several antibiotics in human blood or other fluids at the same time. This biosensor system could be used for ...

Developing a sensor for vitamin B12 deficiency

University of Adelaide researchers have developed a world-first optical sensor that can detect vitamin B12 in diluted human blood – a first step towards a low-cost, portable, broadscale vitamin B12 deficiency test. Vitamin ...

Scientists research effects of infrasonic vibrations in humans

It is known that the human body can generate mechanical vibrations at very low frequencies, so-called infrasonic waves. Such low-frequency vibrations are produced by physiological processes—heartbeats, respiratory movements, ...

Differing division rates of brain stem cells

Our similarities and differences to chimpanzees, our great ape cousins, have intrigued people for centuries. Of particular interest is the brain. Scientists at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics ...

Removing cellular bookmarks smooths the path to stem cells

In reading, a bookmark tells where you stopped. Cells use bookmarks too, specific proteins that help the cell remember what collection of genes needs to be turned on again after the brief halt of gene expression during cell ...

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