New visa restrictions will make the US economic downturn worse

The Trump administration is expected to set limits on a popular program that allows international students to work in the U.S. after graduation while remaining on their student visas. The restrictions on the Optional Practical ...

Global liquidity shocks impact house prices

New research from Cass Business School has found that global liquidity shocks do impact house prices in both emerging and advanced economies but this can be mitigated by government policy.

Stable housing in infancy nets lifelong benefits

Housing stability in the first thousand days of a child's development has a potential economic benefit of $3 billion annually, new research from PwC and the Strong Foundations collaboration has found.

Striking a balance between climate action and social equality

At a referendum held in February, residents of Freiburg im Breisgau voted in favour of building a site in their city that will combine environmental and societal targets. The plan is supported by ICLEI – Local Governments ...

Incentives to downsize would ease the housing crisis

Housing policy is too concentrated on first-time buyers and should be refocused towards 'last-time buyers' to encourage those aged 55+ to downsize, according to a new report for the Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation ...

Examining the link between neighborhoods and schools

You've probably heard the term gentrification thrown around many times to describe how neighborhoods are transforming in cities like Los Angeles, New York, Denver, Seattle, San Francisco and Portland. You probably think of ...

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