UK weather turmoil spurs calls to adapt to climate change

Britain's record-breaking heatwave has spurred calls for the government to speed up efforts to adapt to a changing climate, especially after wildfires created the busiest day for London firefighters since bombs rained down ...

Five ways to help wildlife in heatwaves

Extremely hot weather is becoming more common. The top ten warmest years since 1884 all happened in the last two decades. While experts can help people take adequate precautions to beat the heat, who's looking out for the ...

UK issues 1st-ever 'red' warning for hot weather next week

British authorities issued their first ever "red" warning for extreme heat early next week, declaring a national emergency as forecasters predict record temperatures that will put even healthy people at risk of serious illness ...

Astronomers are helping find elusive atoms across the universe

Astronomers at the University of Toronto have spotted some of the most elusive stuff in our universe by taking a deep look at the cosmic web, the network of filaments and knots that trace the large-scale distribution of galaxies.

Webb reveals cosmic cliffs, glittering landscape of star birth

This landscape of "mountains" and "valleys" speckled with glittering stars is actually the edge of a nearby, young, star-forming region called NGC 3324 in the Carina Nebula. Captured in infrared light by NASA's new James ...

Evaluating new processing platforms for pharmaceutical production

The pharmaceutical industry is one of the most relevant sectors in today's economy. For more than a century, pharmaceutical production has relied on batch production, but this lacks the agility, flexibility, and robustness ...

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