Image: Agricultural fires in Indochina

The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA's Aqua satellite collected this natural-color image which detected dozens of fires burning in Indochina on February 02, 2015.

The science behind fire tornados

Meteorology meets fire science in a recent Weatherwise article exploring the violent whirlwinds that are known to wreak havoc in the nation's west.

Japan police: Volcanic rocks killed most victims

Doctors have determined that almost all of the dozens of people killed on a Japanese volcano died of injuries from being hit by rocks that flew out during its eruption, police said Thursday.

NASA image: Agricultural fires in the Ukraine

Numerous fires (marked with red dots) are burning in Eastern Europe, likely as a result of regional agricultural practices. The body of water at the lower left of this true-color Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer ...

Image: Fires not slowing around Yellowknife

Fires and the resultant smoke that comes from them are both just as widespread and heavy as they were in the month of July. Hundreds of fires dot the landscape and the Northwest Territories Live Fire map shows the extent ...

NASA image: Fires in the Yucatan Peninsula in April 2014

April is in the middle of the dry season, which runs from January through May in this region, and naturally coincides with fire season. Farmers often use fire to return nutrients to the soil and to clear the ground of unwanted ...

More flexibility for steel production

Siemens enables steel mills to adapt their production processes more flexibly to raw material prices and emission regulations. The newly developed JET Process provides sufficient heat energy to melt a high proportion of scrap ...

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