North American deserts are a biodiversity hotspot for butterflies

By comparing the genetic diversity of butterflies in North America, researchers reporting in the journal iScience on March 23 found that the array of different evolutionary distinct groups of butterflies is particularly high ...

Ecological interactions as a driver of evolution

In a recent study, an international team of researchers including TUD botanist Prof. Stefan Wanke has investigated the origin of the mega-diversity of herbivorous insects. These account for a quarter of terrestrial diversity. ...

Study shows that viruses can evolve to benefit the host organism

A research group from the Institute for Integrative Systems Biology (I2SysBio) confirms that a virus that affects a cruciferous plant reduces its virulence in drought conditions.This is the first piece of research showing ...

Cabbage whites triggered egg-killing leaf necrosis in crucifers

Until now, little was known about how plants protect themselves from plant-eating insects and how the arms race between insects and plants unfolded. Researchers from Wageningen University & Research have gained more insight ...

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