Prayer on the hospital floor

What happens when the families of sick and dying hospitalized children ask their physicians to pray with them, or for them? How do pediatricians respond to such personal requests? While increasing numbers of physicians say ...

Doctors embrace social networking

In the waiting room, the patient's family members circled a Blackberry. About every 15 minutes, Dr. Carlos Wolf of Miami Plastic Surgery gave them a few keystrokes of information about how the patient was doing.

Electrical engineer working to improve monitoring systems

( -- An old man walks down the stairs in his home. Suddenly, he trips and falls. No one is home to help him. But soon he hears the reassuring clanging of approaching sirens. The surveillance system installed in ...

C. difficile hypervirulence genes identified

Five genetic regions have been identified that are unique to the most virulent strain of Clostridium difficile (C. difficile), the hospital superbug. Researchers writing in BioMed Central's open access journal Genome Biology ...

New family care model aids at-risk families

Many families struggle on a day-to-day basis with insufficient in-home care or problematic out-of-home care for their emotionally or behaviorally troubled children and adolescents. Researchers have recently shown that an ...

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