Quantum simulator prototype replicates structure of graphene

(PhysOrg.com) -- A team of researchers from Columbia Engineering, the Italian National Research Council, Princeton University, University of Missouri, and University of Nijmegen (Netherlands) has developed an artificial semiconductor ...

Boron can form a purely honeycomb, graphene-like 2-D structure

Borophene is known to have triangular lattice with holes, while a honeycomb lattice of boron was predicted to be energetically unstable. However, a research team led by Prof. K. H. Wu at Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy ...

Topological photonic crystal made of silicon

WPI-MANA researchers derive topological photonic states purely based on silicon, which can lead to the development of new functions and devices through integration with semiconductor electronics

Infrared absorption boosted by layering sheets of graphene

(Phys.org)—Since its discovery in 2004, graphene has been hailed as a "wonder material" due to its almost unbelievable properties. At just one atom thick, a single two-dimensional layer is stronger than diamond, conducts ...

Graphene mini-lab

A team of physicists from Europe and South Africa showed that electrons moving randomly in graphene can mimic the dynamics of particles such as cosmic rays, despite travelling at a fraction of their speed, in a paper about ...

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