EU bans yet another pesticide harmful to bees

The European Union on Tuesday restricted the use of the insecticide Fipronil, the latest move to protect honey bees after a May ban on three other insecticides.

Biologists tag 'zombees' to track their flight

After last year's accidental discovery of "zombie"-like bees infected with a fly parasite, SF State researchers are conducting an elaborate experiment to learn more about the plight of the honey bees.

Nearly one in three US honeybees lost in winter 2012-13

( —U.S. beekeepers lost nearly one in every three honey bee colonies over the winter of 2012-2013, according to an annual survey conducted by the Bee Informed Partnership and the Apiary Inspectors of America.

Some bees are born curious while others are more single-minded

When you try to pick a restaurant with a group of friends, how do you decide? Your curious friend wants to try the new place, while your focused friend wants to go to the old faithful. One friend is insistent, while the other ...

Pesticides not sole cause of declining bee numbers

( -- Despite a growing worldwide clamor to ban pesticides linked to honey bee deaths, multiple factors contribute to the declining honey bee population, not just one class of insecticides, says Extension Apiculturist ...

Opinion: How do we protect our native bee species?

Bees are among the most charismatic and familiar animals of the insect world, and thoughts of a summer's day picnic would not be complete without the recollection of the hum of bees or the sight of a belaboured individual ...

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