The Honda 3R-C: Designed For The NOW

By 2050, it is estimated that 70 percent of the world’s population will be living in urban areas. In industrialized countries, urban areas already account for 74 percent of their total populations. Can you imagine what ...

Honda Begins Operation of New Solar Hydrogen Station in LA

Honda began operation of a next generation solar hydrogen station prototype at the Los Angeles Center of Honda R&D Americas, intended for ultimate use as a home refueling appliance capable of an overnight refill of fuel cell ...

Cars that Run on Cow Power?

( -- Race cars have long provided a testing ground for driving technology that we eventually see in passenger cars on the road. To this end, an engineering team in Lancashire, England, is hoping to give cow power ...

Honda says to open bio-ethanol research centre

Japan's Honda Motor Co., seeking a boost in the race to build greener automobiles, said Thursday it would open a research centre to develop and produce bio-ethanol fuel from non-edible plant matter.

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