Real-time holographic displays one step closer to reality

Researchers from the University of Cambridge have designed a new type of pixel element and demonstrated its unique switching capability, which could make three-dimensional holographic displays possible.

Sci-fi holograms a step closer with tiny invention

Australian National University physicists have invented a tiny device that creates the highest quality holographic images ever achieved, opening the door to imaging technologies seen in science fiction movies such as Star ...

No more geeky glasses to watch 3D (w/Video)

Most people’s experience with 3D involves wearing tinted glasses in a cinema. But a new technology, which does not require glasses and may enable 3DTV, is being developed by European researchers.

Scientists claim new glasses-free 3D for cellphone (w/ video)

Fancy watching a movie on your mobile phone, where figures leap out from the screen in 3D, rather as Princess Leia did in that scene from "Star Wars"? That's the claim made by US researchers, who on Wednesday reported they ...

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