Related topics: holiday season

Economist outlines work on managing tasks and time

"When a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight," said Samuel Johnson, "it concentrates his mind wonderfully." Most of us, spared such an imperative, carry on in a less-concentrated state, but it holds that of limited ...

March of the penguin genomes

Two penguin genomes have been sequenced and analyzed for the first time in the open access, open data journal GigaScience. Timely for the holiday season, the study reveals insights into how these birds have been able to adapt ...

More holiday wish lists go digital

Holly Riefke's two small children still write letters to Santa Claus. Or rather, they print their names on letters Riefke has written on their behalf, and together they drop them into a festive red Macy's mailbox designated ...

China's online holiday sets record $9.3B sales

China's largest Internet retailer rang up more than $9 billion during the country's biggest online shopping holiday, smashing last year's figure to set a record for a single day of sales.

A blue Christmas for Amazon?

It might be a blue Christmas for Amazon. The world's largest retailer gave a disappointing forecast for the crucial holiday quarter. The company also reported a wider loss than analysts expected for the third quarter.

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