Google chairman hopes for France tax deal soon

Google chairman Eric Schmidt said Monday he hopes his firm will reach a settlement "by the end of the year" with authorities in France in a billion-dollar dispute over taxes.

Google 'Alphabet' website blocked in China on first day

Tech geeks in China looking to understand Google's newly unveiled corporate structure are out of luck: the website of the new parent company, dubbed Alphabet, was blocked less than 24 hours after going live.

Oil-rich Norway may divest from fossil fuels

Oil-rich Norway said Friday in an ironic twist that it would consider pulling its enormous state oil fund out of overseas investments in fossil fuels.

SKorea's Ticket Monster acquires Malaysian site

(AP) -- Fast-growing South Korean daily deal website Ticket Monster has acquired a Malaysian company in the first move of its expansion to other countries in Asia.

BMW to check trademark case over Google's Alphabet

Germany's BMW said Tuesday it was checking the "trademark implications" of Google naming its new parent company Alphabet, which is the registered name of one of the auto maker's subsidiaries.

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