Scientists look inside the works of great artists

A new exhibit at the McMaster Museum of Art brings together years of painstaking research by an international team of scientists, engineers, conservators and art historians who have used sophisticated equipment and techniques ...

Researchers help reconstructing the Michelangelo bronzes

Engineers and imagers from the University of Warwick's Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG) and anatomists from Warwick Medical School at the University of Warwick are helping Art historians from the University of Cambridge ...

Revealing faded frescos

Many details of the wall and ceiling frescos in the cloister of Brandenburg Cathedral have faded: Plaster on which horses once "galloped" appears more or less bare. A hyperspectral camera sees images that remain hidden to ...

Reading the unreadable

Pioneering X-ray technology is making it possible to read fragile rolled-up historical documents for the first time in centuries.

Rare British royal's signature up for auction in US

A document signed by Britain's King Richard III will be auctioned in Los Angeles next week, two months after scientists found the ancient royal's remains under a modern-day car park.

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