Lake Michigan shipwreck found after 112 years

(AP) -- A great wooden steamship that sank more than a century ago in a violent Lake Michigan storm has been found off the Milwaukee-area shoreline, and divers say the intact vessel appears to have been perfectly preserved ...

Researcher finds diary entries are akin to tweets

( -- Lee Humphreys, assistant professor of communication, is studying the stunning similarities between 18th- and 19th-century diary entries and Twitter tweets.

Was a 'mistress of the lionesses' a king in ancient Canaan?

The legend is that the great rulers of Canaan, the ancient land of Israel, were all men. But a recent dig by Tel Aviv University archaeologists at Tel Beth-Shemesh uncovered possible evidence of a mysterious female ruler.

Darwin's bills discovered

( -- You've seen the documentaries and read the book - now, for the first time, you can find out how Charles Darwin spent his money.

Unraveling a debate on insect cognition

There's a debate among insect-cognition researchers, but the two camps have been arguing for so many decades that many onlookers are no longer sure what they are arguing about. SFI Postdoctoral Fellow Kelle Dhein, a philosopher ...

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