Related topics: cells

How plants 'feel' the temperature rise

Plants are incredibly temperature sensitive and can perceive changes of as little as one degree Celsius. Now, a report in the January 8th issue of the journal Cell, a Cell Press publication, shows how they not only 'feel' ...

Messenger RNA with FLASH

A study from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has identified a key player in a molecular process essential for DNA replication within cells.

Researchers determine the composition of centromeric chromatin

The Stowers Institute's Gerton Lab has provided new evidence to clarify the structure of nucleosomes containing Cse4, a centromere-specific histone protein required for proper kinetochore function, which plays a critical ...

Mechanism for potential Friedreich's ataxia drug uncovered

Using clever chemistry, a Scripps Research team has pinpointed the enzyme target of a drug group that stops the progression of the devastating disease Friedreich's ataxia in mice and may do the same for humans. The findings, ...

New study yields clue to how stem cells form

An Emory University study shows some of the first direct evidence of a process required for epigenetic reprogramming between generations - a finding that could shed more light on the mechanisms of fertilization, stem-cell ...

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