Job market for college grads has 'legs'

After last year's rollercoaster ride, the job market for college graduates has settled down and appears braced for slow but steady growth, according to Michigan State University's annual Recruiting Trends study.

Researchers find link between personality and credit scores

The use of credit scores as employment screening tools is a hotly debated topic. According to a 2010 poll by the Society for Human Resource Management, 60 percent of surveyed employers conducted credit checks for some or ...

Federal employment standards must evolve, strategy expert says

President Barack Obama is calling for a more modernized and concentrated hiring process in the federal government as more of its workers retire. While the government attracts many excellent candidates, the recruitment process ...

Google on a hiring high

Google said Tuesday it will hire a record number of people this year, taking on more than 6,000 workers "across the board and around the globe."

Are good-looking people more employable?

The resumes of "attractive" males received a 19.9 percent response rate, nearly 50 percent higher than the 13.7 percent response rate for "plain" males and more than twice the 9.2 percent response rate of no-picture males. ...

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