Fins and limbs tell evolutionary tale

About 400 million years ago, our early ancestors took their first hesitant steps out of the primordial seas on to land.

Not letting the neighbours ruin the mood

New research into the reproductive behaviour of one of New Zealand's most mysterious and unusual insects – the cave weta – shows that the male weta's distinctively-elongated hind legs play a vital role in ensuring mating ...

How long do insects last?

Researchers from Trinity College Dublin have shown that although insects are made from one of the toughest natural materials, their legs and wings can wear out over time. The findings have been just published in the Journal ...

Grasshoppers change their tune to stay tuned over traffic noise

Grasshoppers are having to change their song – one of the iconic sounds of summer – to make themselves heard above the din of road traffic, ecologists have discovered. The study, published in the British Ecological Society's ...

Are high speed elephants running or walking?

Most animals don't think anything of breaking into a run: they switch effortlessly from walking to a high-speed bouncing run. But what about elephants? Their sheer size makes it impossible for them to bounce up in the air ...

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