Understanding room-temperature superconductivity

Room-temperature superconductors could transform everything from electrical grids to particle accelerators to computers, but researchers are still trying to understand how these materials function on the atomic level.

Man-made material shows surprisingly magnetic personality

(Phys.org) —Scientists from SLAC and Stanford have used finely tuned X-rays at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL) to pin down the source of a mysterious magnetism that appears when two materials are sandwiched ...

Quantum fractals at the border of magnetism

U.S., German and Austrian physicists studying the perplexing class of materials that includes high-temperature superconductors are reporting this week the unexpected discovery of a simple "scaling" behavior in the electronic ...

Physicists uncover secrets of world's thinnest superconductor

Physicists from across three continents report the first experimental evidence to explain the unusual electronic behavior behind the world's thinnest superconductor, a material with myriad applications because it conducts ...

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