Physicists uncover secrets of world's thinnest superconductor

Physicists from across three continents report the first experimental evidence to explain the unusual electronic behavior behind the world's thinnest superconductor, a material with myriad applications because it conducts ...

Magnetism meets topology on a superconductor's surface

Electrons in a solid occupy distinct energy bands separated by gaps. Energy band gaps are an electronic "no man's land," an energy range where no electrons are allowed. Now, scientists studying a compound containing iron, ...

Acoustic plasmons found in hole-doped cuprate superconductors

The presence of acoustic plasmons in p-type (hole-doped) cuprate superconductors has now been confirmed by Dr. Ke-Jin Zhou and his team using high-resolution RIXS (Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering), at Diamond Light Source's ...

Stretching makes the superconductor

When people imagine "new materials," they typically think of chemistry. But UConn physicist Ilya Sochnikov has another suggestion: mechanics.

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