SpaceX launches first 60 satellites of its internet network

SpaceX has launched a rocket carrying the first 60 satellites of its "Starlink" constellation, which is intended to provide internet from space in an array that could one day contain over 12,000 orbiting transponders.

Sounding rocket solves one cosmic mystery, reveals another

In the last century, humans realized that space is filled with types of light we can't see – from infrared signals released by hot stars and galaxies, to the cosmic microwave background that comes from every corner of the ...

Knuckleball machine delivers soccer science

Wind tunnel and high-speed camera data help researchers to explore the zigzag secrets of one of football's most unpredictable shots and provide clues to much older scientific mysteries

Insects modify mating behavior in anticipation of storms

Insects modify calling and courting mating behavior in response to changes in air pressure, according to results published October 2 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Ana Cristina Pellegrino and José Maurício Bento, ...

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