Image: Parachute for planetfall

Testing a candidate design for a subsonic parachute to slow a future mission to Mars inside Canada's National Research Council wind tunnel, in Ottawa.

Battery system for wind turbines to stabilize electricity prices

The problem with wind turbines is that they produce electricity "as the wind blows." When there are high winds, production increases and the price of electricity falls; when the wind tapers off, production decreases and the ...

Image: Coronal holes

This image shows dramatic dark areas in the Sun's corona and was acquired by the SWAP instrument on ESA's Proba-2 mission at midday on Wednesday, 7 November.

ESA rocks space weather

This week, to coincide with the fifteenth annual European Space Weather Week, ESA is celebrating the dynamic phenomenon of space weather.

A stellar achievement: Magnetized space winds in the laboratory

New insights have been gained about stellar winds, streams of high-speed charged particles called plasma that blow through interstellar space. These winds, created by eruptions from stars or stellar explosions, carry with ...

High winds for power generation

Renewable energy sources hold great promise for a future free of fossil fuels, but some forms of renewable energy remain out of reach. Researchers have developed a new kind of wind turbine that can produce clean energy from ...

US braces for 'major' hurricane Florence

The eastern United States braced Monday for the impact of "major" hurricane Florence as it threatened catastrophic flooding in areas already soaked by heavy rain.

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