Quantum communication: making two from one

In the future, quantum physics could become the guarantor of secure information technology. To achieve this, individual particles of light—photons—are used for secure transmission of data. Findings by physicists from ...

Unmasking the magic of superconductivity in twisted graphene

The discovery in 2018 of superconductivity in two single-atom-thick layers of graphene stacked at a precise angle of 1.1 degrees (called 'magic'-angle twisted bilayer graphene) came as a big surprise to the scientific community. ...

Light helps the transistor laser switch faster

Light and electrons interact in a complex dance within fiber optic devices. A new study by University of Illinois engineers found that in the transistor laser, a device for next-generation high-speed computing, the light ...

Researchers create electronic diodes beyond 5G performance

David Storm, a research physicist, and Tyler Growden, an electrical engineer, both with the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, developed a new gallium nitride-based electrical component called a resonant tunneling diode (RTD) ...

Knuckleball machine delivers soccer science

Wind tunnel and high-speed camera data help researchers to explore the zigzag secrets of one of football's most unpredictable shots and provide clues to much older scientific mysteries

Physicist pursues superconductivity mysteries

More than a quarter of a century after its discovery, high-temperature superconductivity still challenges condensed matter physicists. For Binghamton's Pegor Aynajian, the key to unlocking the mystery—which will ultimately ...

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