Piecing together our planet pixel by pixel

At first glance, the high-resolution images of the polygons look like the lacy skin of a cantaloupe melon – perhaps not what would be expected of images of the Arctic tundra. But this characteristic feature of the tundra ...

Digital 3-D-fabrication technology for nursing and healthcare

3-D printing technology has important medical applications, such as manufacturing prosthetic parts, implants, and models of human organs. Here, researchers at Keio University in Tokyo, describe the potentially important role ...

Basic structure of ultrasound power supply and communication

Unlike drugs, active implants such as electroceuticals act locally, have fewer side effects and function directly through electrical signals, much like the body itself. At the Medica 2016 trade fair in Düsseldorf, Fraunhofer ...

Shining a light on factories of the future

The EU HALO project has extended existing laser technology for material processing to create more adaptable options, increasing operational quality and speed, whilst reducing overall cost.

Researchers find new way to control quantum systems

Researchers from the Department of Applied Mathematics and the Institute for Quantum Computing at the University of Waterloo have developed a versatile new way of controlling quantum systems that can affect the reliability ...

Wage gap linked to high school subject choices

A University of Melbourne study of high school subject choices reveals that girls are less likely to choose science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) subjects than boys, despite many girls testing better in these ...

Ultrafast tracking of electron spins

Our present digital information processing and storage is based on two properties of the electron. The first is its charge, which is used in electronic circuits to process information. The second is its spin, which represents ...

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