New machine evaluates soybean at harvest for quality

When a field of soybeans is ready to harvest, speed is of the essence. But harvesting grinds to a halt every time the combine operator has to climb down out of the cab to manually check for quality—whole, un-split beans ...

Video: When water levitates

Have you ever seen a drop of water navigate a maze? It's possible thanks to the same phenomenon that lets you know if a griddle is hot enough for pancake batter. Water droplets that dance and skitter across a hot surface ...

The dynamic surface tension of water

The surface tension of a liquid is a measure of the cohesive forces that hold the molecules together. It is responsible for a water drop assuming a spherical shape and for the effects of surfactants to produce bubbles and ...

Quenching one's thirst for knowledge by studying beer foam

For his master's thesis, Pierre-François Conzelmann, mechanical engineering student, wanted to understand the reason behind the formation of a "foam volcano" after tapping the neck of a bottle of beer. He studied the phenomenon ...

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