Violent gamma-ray outbursts near supermassive black holes

( —Where in powerful jets of distant active galaxies—the mightiest and most energetic objects known—are the violent outbursts of high energy gamma-ray emission produced? Very close to the central supermassive ...

The mechanism for gamma-ray bursts from space is decoded

Gamma-ray bursts, short and intense flashes of energetic radiation coming from outer space, are the brightest explosions in the universe. As gamma rays are blocked by the atmosphere, the bursts were discovered accidentally ...

Gamma rays reach beyond the limits of light

Researchers have discovered a highly efficient way to produce high energy photon beams. The obtained energy is a billion times higher than the energy of photons in visible light. These high-intensity gamma rays significantly ...

Exchanges of identity in deep space

By reproducing the complexity of the cosmos through unprecedented simulations, a new study highlights the importance of the possible behaviour of very high-energy photons. In their journey through intergalactic magnetic fields, ...

Scientists find X-rays can cause reversible resistance changes

( —Usually, when we think of a device that has defects, it means it's time to throw it out. However, for several types of materials, imperfections are what actually make them function in the first place. Finding ...

Researchers discover technique to improve solar cell technology

A multi-disciplinary team of scientists at the Naval Research Laboratory has discovered a way to tailor nanostructures that could result in low-cost, high efficiency solar cells. The research appears in the August 10, 2011 ...

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