Red cabbage microgreens lower 'bad' cholesterol in animal study

Microgreens are sprouting up everywhere from upscale restaurants to home gardens. They help spruce up old recipes with intense flavors and colors, and are packed with nutrients. Now testing has shown that for mice on a high-fat ...

Obese dogs at risk of health condition experienced by humans

Veterinary scientists at the University of Liverpool have found that, like humans, obese dogs can experience metabolic syndrome, a condition that describes multiple health issues that occur in the body at the same time.

Sanofi-Aventis launches Genzyme takeover battle

(AP) -- France's Sanofi-Aventis on Monday launched an $18.5 billion hostile takeover attempt for Genzyme Corp., escalating the battle after management of the U.S. biotech company twice rejected its offer.

Blood disc for astronaut diagnosis

Specially designed to operate in weightlessness, this diagnostic disc can identify diabetes, cardiovascular disease and high cholesterol from a single drop of astronaut blood.

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