Deformation of 3-D hierarchical nanolattices

In a new paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS), researchers in the laboratory of Julia R. Greer, professor of Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering and Medical Engineering, have ...

The secret to DNA packing to one-millionth its size

Threads or earphone cables placed in tight spaces get easily tangled. On the contrary, our body's long and loose DNA packs into rod-shaped chromosomes one-millionth its size when the cell divides. If cell division occurs ...

Studying complex criminal networks with new statistical tools

The word "network" has become part of our everyday language, in particular since the rise of online social networks. However, human interactions are not only aimed at sociability and fun. Criminals also interact with each ...

Hydrophobic copper catalyst to mitigate electrolyte flooding

The electroreduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) to produce value-added multicarbon compounds is an effective way to cut down CO2 emission. However, the low solubility of CO2 largely limits the application of related technology.

Hierarchy expansion: When should a startup hire managers?

In a new study out of Vanderbilt Business, Professor Megan Lawrence explores a common challenge growing organizations face: how to continue to organize and coordinate the work of its growing body of employees.

Study confirms the importance of informal learning in hospitals

The coronavirus crisis has shaken the structure of the Spanish healthcare system, leaving staff backed into a corner in their fight to beat the infection. However, doctors, nurses and other hospital and healthcare workers ...

Exploring hierarchy in dynamic environments

Most organizations operate under command hierarchies: Workers, who know the ground reality, report to managers, who know the big picture. If these views conflict, what happens to organizational performance?

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