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Astronomers see distant eruption as black hole destroys star

For the first time, astronomers have directly imaged the formation and expansion of a fast-moving jet of material ejected when the powerful gravity of a supermassive black hole ripped apart a star that wandered too close ...

Building blocks of life's building blocks come from starlight

Life exists in a myriad of wondrous forms, but if you break any organism down to its most basic parts, it's all the same stuff: carbon atoms connected to hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and other elements. But how these fundamental ...

Our Sun came late to the Milky Way's star-birth party

In one of the most comprehensive multi-observatory galaxy surveys yet, astronomers find that galaxies like our Milky Way underwent a stellar "baby boom," churning out stars at a prodigious rate, about 30 times faster than ...

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Herschel is a German surname with the possible meanings:

Alternative, Anglicised spellings are Hershel, Herschell and Hershell.

Notable people or families with the surname Herschel include:

Herschel can also be used as a first name:

Herschel could also refer to a place:

Herschel may also refer to:

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