Coming to a sky near you: Comet SWAN at its best

Comet C/2020 F8 (SWAN), perhaps the brightest comet we will see this year, is at its best from now until mid-June. It should be visible in from the UK in the northwestern sky after sunset, close to the horizon.

Mercury helps to detail Earth's most massive extinction event

The Latest Permian Mass Extinction (LPME) was the largest extinction in Earth's history to date, killing between 80–90% of life on the planet, though finding definitive evidence for what caused the dramatic changes in climate ...

'Last African dinosaur' discovered in Moroccan mine

One of the last dinosaurs living in Africa before their extinction 66 million years ago has been discovered in a phosphate mine in northern Morocco. A study of the fossil, led by the Milner Centre for Evolution at the University ...

The supernova that wasn't: A tale of three cosmic eruptions

In the mid-1800s, astronomers surveying the night sky in the Southern Hemisphere noticed something strange: Over the course of a few years, a previously inconspicuous star named Eta Carinae grew brighter and brighter, eventually ...

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