How highly resistant strains of fungi emerge

An international research team has deciphered the mechanism by which the fungus Cryptococcus neoformans is resistant to fungus-specific drugs. It is a yeast-like fungus that can infect humans. Specific drugs, named antifungals, ...

Big south swell could produce 10 foot waves at San Diego beaches

A storm that originated off New Zealand and sent historically large waves to Tahiti and Hawaii will produce breakers in the 4 to 7 foot level, with sets up to 10 feet, at some San Diego County beaches through early Thursday, ...

US environmental study launched for Thirty Meter Telescope

The National Science Foundation said Tuesday it plans to conduct a study to evaluate the environmental effects of building one of the world's largest optical telescopes on sites selected in Hawaii and Spain's Canary Islands.

Water resources to become less predictable with climate change

Water resources will fluctuate increasingly and become more and more difficult to predict in snow-dominated regions across the Northern Hemisphere by later this century, according to a comprehensive new climate change study ...

Scientists find oldest Martian meteorite's original home

Scientists announced Tuesday they had found the crater from which the oldest known Martian meteorite was originally blasted towards Earth, a discovery that could provide clues into how our own planet was formed.

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