iPhone app supports parents, helps teens become safer drivers

Book after book has been written to help parents know what to expect when they are expecting, how to handle the terrible twos, and how to talk about the birds and the bees. Now the University of North Carolina Highway Safety ...

'Virtual bumpers' can help avoid crashes

Three new Cadillac models, including the ATS sport sedan, have a new advanced safety system that can automatically stop the vehicle in low-speed conditions to help avoid crashes. 

New York City saddles up for cycling

Bicycle lanes, cycling lessons for adults, and soon 10,000 bikes in a sharing program: New York is pedaling hard to join the world's growing love affair with the bicycle.

London gears up for two-wheeled revolution

The sprawling, congested city of London speeds towards a greener, nimbler future Friday with the launch of a new bike hire scheme aimed at kick-starting a cycling revolution ahead of the 2012 Olympics.

Tracking down rust

(PhysOrg.com) -- Damage to concrete bridges caused by rust can have fatal consequences, at worst leading to a total collapse. Now, researchers have developed an early-warning system for rust. Sensor-transponders integrated ...

Hong Kong air pollution hits record levels

Hong Kong's air pollution soared to record levels Monday, the Environmental Protection Department said, warning that a toxic stew enveloping the city was a danger to the public.

Christmas Web sales spike after snowstorm

(AP) -- Stores in the snow-battered East Coast may have been sparse this weekend, but shoppers kept spending online. Retailers spurred sales with new discounts and shipping offers to make sure gifts arrive by Christmas.

Hawaii recoups from big storm amid lingering flood threats

A slow-moving storm that knocked out power, swamped dozens of homes and sent creeks and streams surging had mostly passed over Hawaii on Tuesday, though the threat of flooding lingered in some already-drenched areas.

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