New CERN results show novel phenomena in proton collisions

In a paper published today in Nature Physics , the ALICE collaboration reports that proton collisions sometimes present similar patterns to those observed in the collisions of heavy nuclei. This behaviour was spotted through ...

New portal to unveil the dark sector of the Universe

Once upon a time, the Universe was just a hot soup of particles. In those days, together with visible particles, other particles to us hidden or dark might have formed. Billions of years later scientists catalogued 17 types ...

Simple math, antimatter, and the birth of the Universe

If x2 = 4, then what is x? Did you just think "2"? Is that correct? Well, yes and no. The fact that there is a parallel but equally valid answer that x is negative 2 has been a difficult and intriguing conundrum to everyone ...

At the LHC, charmed twins will soon be more common than singles

In the range of energies penetrated by the LHC accelerator, a new mechanism of particle creation is becoming more prominent, say scientists from the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Krakow. ...

Graphene, the finest filter

Graphene can simplify production of heavy water and help clean nuclear waste by filtering different isotopes of hydrogen, University of Manchester research indicates.

Meat and bone meal as a source of phosphorus

Slaughterhouse waste is processed into meat and bone meal and subsequently fed to livestock or incinerated. This meal could be put to better use, though. It contains phosphorus, a scarce mineral used as fertilizer. A new ...

Accurately counting ions from laboratory radiation exposure

Thermoluminescence is used extensively in archaeology and the earth sciences to date artifacts and rocks. When exposed to radiation, quartz emits light proportional to the energy it absorbs. Replicating the very low dose ...

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