Related topics: climate change

Australian heatwave set to worsen as fires rage

Australians sweltering through a severe heatwave were warned on Thursday that the worst Is yet to come, with hundreds of fires raging in several states and temperatures nearing record highs.

Climate at five minutes to midnight: IPCC head

Humanity has pushed the world's climate system to the brink, leaving itself only scant time to act, the head of the UN's group of climate scientists said on Monday.

China's hottest August for more than 50 years

China has experienced its hottest August for more than half a century, weather authorities said, after a summer heatwave that saw meat cooked on pavements.

First evidence that the genome can adapt to temperature changes

Researchers at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona are the first to have studied the effects of a heatwave on the genetic make-up of a species. The researchers have been monitoring the evolution of the fly Drosophila subobscura ...

Heatwaves: Longer, hotter and more common

( —Australia's summer heatwaves are lasting longer and have been increasing in number over the past 60 years, a UNSW study shows.

Temperature hits all-time record in Sydney

Temperatures in Sydney on Friday hit their highest levels since records began 150 years ago, after an Australian government agency warned of more frequent and intense heatwaves in the future.

Australia heatwave part of global trend: IPCC chief

Australia's extreme summer heatwave, which caused devastating bushfires and saw temperature forecasts go off the scale, is part of a global warming trend, the UN's climate panel chief said Tuesday.

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