Related topics: climate change

Shape up quickly—applies to fish, too

Fish can live in almost any aquatic environment on Earth, but when the climate changes and temperatures go up many species are pushed to the limit. The amount of time needed to adjust to new conditions could prove critical ...

Australian heatwave set to worsen as fires rage

Australians sweltering through a severe heatwave were warned on Thursday that the worst Is yet to come, with hundreds of fires raging in several states and temperatures nearing record highs.

Donors help reopen axed Australian climate watchdog

An independent Australian climate change watchdog axed last week by the country's new conservative government was resurrected Tuesday as a non-profit body funded by public donations.

Climate at five minutes to midnight: IPCC head

Humanity has pushed the world's climate system to the brink, leaving itself only scant time to act, the head of the UN's group of climate scientists said on Monday.

China's hottest August for more than 50 years

China has experienced its hottest August for more than half a century, weather authorities said, after a summer heatwave that saw meat cooked on pavements.

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