Related topics: climate change · global warming

Power demand peaks in northern India heat wave

Searing heat wave temperatures in northern India pushed power demand to a record high, the government said Tuesday, with residents of the capital New Delhi also struggling with water shortages.

Searing heat scorches US from Chicago to East Coast

Extreme heat and high humidity smothered the central and northeastern United States on Tuesday, with temperature records expected to melt away in the coming days, authorities warned, as wildfires sizzled in the west.

Stressed out: how to measure dangerous heat

In the hottest year on record, with scorching conditions claiming lives from India to Mexico and Greece sweltering in its earliest-ever heat wave, experts are sounding the alarm over heat stress.

Earliest-ever Greek heat wave shuts Acropolis for second day

The Athens Acropolis, Greece's most visited tourist attraction, was closed to the public during the hottest hours on Thursday for the second day running, as tourists sweltered under the country's earliest-ever heat wave.

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