Climate change endangers elephants, study says

By making new use of historical records, scientists have shown that climate change could have a greater impact on Myanmar's elephants' dwindling numbers than previously thought.

Why are aspen dying?

( —If Utah's quaking aspen appear to be quaking more than usual this summer, the trees have reason to tremble, says a Brigham Young University biologist. In dappled forests across the West, aspen trees are battling ...

Bacon fries on pavement as heat wave grips China

It's been so hot in China that people are grilling shrimp on manhole covers, eggs are hatching without incubators and a highway billboard has mysteriously caught fire by itself.

Heatwave kills four in Japan

A heatwave stifled Japan Sunday as the temperature topped 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit ) in two cities, leaving at least four people dead over the weekend, officials and reports said.

At least 10 dead as record heatwave hits Shanghai

More than 10 people have died in China's commercial hub Shanghai, a local health official said Wednesday as the city grapples with its highest temperatures in at least 140 years.

'Unprecedented' Japan heatwave kills 65 in one week

An "unprecedented" heatwave in Japan has killed at least 65 people in one week, government officials said Tuesday, with the weather agency now classifying the record-breaking weather as a "natural disaster."

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